When I Say "I Am A Christian"
by Carol Wimmer

When I say... " I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時
I'm not shouting " I am saved " 我並不是在叫喊著 "我是得救的"
I'm whispering " I get lost! " 而是在低聲的說 "我曾經迷失過" 
" That is why I chose this way. " "所以我選擇了這條路"

When I say... " I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時 
I don't speak of this with pride. 並不是因為我覺得比你高一等
I'm confessing that I stumble 而是承認我一直在蹣跚而行 
and need someone to be my guide. 所以我需要一位生命中的嚮導 

When I say..." I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時 
I'm not trying to be strong. 我並不是在顯示自己很強壯 
I'm professing that I'm weak 而是在承認自己的軟弱 
and pray for strength to carry on. 並禱告尋求繼續前進的力量

When I say..." I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時 
I'm not bragging of success. 我並不是在吹噓我的成功 
I'm admitting I have failed. 而是承認自己的失敗
and cannot ever pay the debt. 並且沒有能力償還所背負的債 

When I say..." I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時 
I'm not claiming to be perfect, 我並不是在自我宣稱我是完美的 
my flaws are too visible. 而是讓你看到我生命中的瑕疵是這麼的明顯 
but God believes I'm worth it. 但神相信我是有價值的 

When I say..." I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時 
I still feel the sting of pain 我還是會感到痛如針刺般 
I have my share of heartaches 但我有神來分擔我的心痛 
which is why I seek His name. 所以我會繼續尋求祂的面

When I say... " I am a Christian " 當我說我是基督徒時
I do not wish to judge. 我並不是在評價你 
I have no authority. 因為我沒有那樣的權柄 
I only know I'm loved, 我只知道我是被愛著的

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